pleaserun - Please, run!


fpm -s pleaserun [other flags] program [args...]

The pleaserun source uses the pleaserun project to help you build a package that installs a service.

pleaserun supports the following service managers:

  • sysv, /etc/init.d/whatever
  • upstart
  • systemd
  • runit
  • launchd (OS X)

Automatic Platform Detection

Targeting multiple platforms with a single package is hard. What init system is used? Can you predict?

fpm+pleaserun can detect this at installation-time!

One Package for All Platforms

The following is an example which creates an rpm that makes redis service available:

fpm -s pleaserun -t rpm -n redis-service /usr/bin/redis-server

The output looks like this:

Created package {:path=>"redis-service-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm"}


Your package will detect the service platform (systemd, upstart, etc) automatically upon installation :)

Let’s see what happens when I install this on Fedora 25 (which uses systemd):

% sudo rpm -i redis-service-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm
Platform systemd (default) detected. Installing service.
To start this service, use: systemctl start redis-server

And checking on our service:

% systemctl status redis-server
● redis-server.service - redis-server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/redis-server.service; disabled; vendor pr
   Active: inactive (dead)

(It is inactive and disabled because fpm does not start it by default)

As you can see in the above example, fpm added an after-install script which detects the service manager during installation. In this case, systemd was detected.

The above example shows installing on Fedora 25, which uses systemd. You can use this same rpm package on CentOS 6, which uses upstart, and it will still work:

% sudo rpm -i redis-service-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm
Platform upstart (0.6.5) detected. Installing service.
To start this service, use: initctl start redis-server

And checking on our service:

% initctl status redis-server
redis-server stop/waiting

Hurray! We now have a single rpm that installs this redis-service service on most systems.